What are Calming Rooms?
A Calming Room is a safe space. An area that provides protection for the service user. In some situations, these rooms may include sensory elements to help relax and de-escalate. These rooms are extremely useful resources and can be used by both children and adults. They are found in Schools, Day Centres, Hospitals and Prisons. They are ideal for individuals with Social and Emotional Behavioural Difficulties (SEBD), Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (EBD) persons on the Autistic Spectrum or with Mental Health Illnesses.
They can be used in settings where users may have a tendency to get agitated or are of an emotionally raised state. Calming Rooms are beneficial for users who suffer from a tendency to self-harm. Other names for these types of spaces include Withdrawal Room, Breakout Rooms, Safe Rooms, Timeout Rooms and De-escalation Rooms.

The Concept
Calming Rooms create a safe space where a user can be securely managed, controlling the risk to both themselves and to others around them. The area is generally fully padded, including floors, walls, windows and radiators. A soft plinth, like a seat or bed can also be installed to provide a comfortable place where the user can relax. There is a whole host of options available.
Through proper planning and consideration, Calm Rooms can be an invaluable asset. Providing time for both the client and their carers to take some timeout. Although the primary concern is to provide a protected environment, free of hazards, a secondary consideration is to make sure that the space is fit for purpose, and will not elevate the crisis any further.
Adding Technology
The use of auxiliary technology can be highly beneficial, but it has to be carefully considered. The aim is not to encourage escalated behaviour. It should not be a “reward” to play with mood lighting or listen to music. These areas are best utilised when closely managed with supervisor control over the environment. Any rewards used will be based on each individual case. Technology does have its place, as the benefits of calming sound and lighting can help to quickly reduce their raised emotional state. Allowing the service user to return sooner to what they were doing.
Much of the technology used can be found in most Sensory Rooms. We can incorporate mood lighting, projection, bubble screens and even aroma into our Calming Rooms. As a Company, we have 20 years experience in creating a vast array of different Sensory Environments.